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January is a month of wind, fog and high seas on Vancouver Island. The rollers had been getting more pronounced as the month wended her way to the final days of the month. I had gone out expecting to get some fairly spectacular shots of the high waves. What I didn't expect, and should have as it turned out, was a small crew of about 5-6 adventurous individuals who wanted to capitalize on the high winds.

They kept to the lee of Goose Spit and didn't have to deal with the pounding surf. While the water did look calmer, looks were deceiving. But as I watched the men and women dance across the rugged surface of the ocean I marvelled at their determination and fortitude. Each time they screamed up and down the shore the cold wind and driving rain was eating away my resolve to stay and photography their spectacle. Each time they defied gravity and let the winds billow their kits high and with enough force to lift them off the ground only to smash back down into the water my body's heat reserves began to deplete. Their neoprene wetsuits would only protect them from the elements for so long. Some of the crew wore windbreakers or what look to be waterproof snowmobile suits. The price of wearing heavy, sodden clothing must have been worth it because they were all similarly clad. One brave soul wore a pain of knee-length shorts over her suit, giving her a rather dashing appearance as if she were taunting the might of the sea.

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