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Rage of Nature

Mother Nature can be fierce at this time of the year, with high winds of 40-60 kph but the Comox Valley has had more rain and high winds than I remember seeing in recent memory. Perhaps I've just become more aware of the beauty of a storm?

This is a panaromic shot taken at Goose Spit at sunset. Although you can see some pretty big rollers the storm hadn't really fully arrived. At this point, the rollers were in the tender 20s, in my humble opinion. Not that I'd like to be out in a boat in that mess, no siree.

This shot was taken the next day, mid-morning. You can see the strength of the storm has stirred up quite a bit of seafoam. At this point, the rollers are in the thrilling 30s, according to a sailor I know.

The tumultuous days of storm were sprinkled lightly with glorious days of spectacular sunsets.

The tumultuous days of high rollers was sprinkled intermittently with glorious sunrises and sunsets.

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