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Rending of Tooth and Claw

March 15 marks the birth of my youngest child, lost to suicide at 17. It was an option on the table, an unspoken truth that I was unaware existed. I never knew anyone who had suicidal thoughts or had lost someone to the act of suicide. But we know gun violence exists, we know it's on the table. It's becoming all too common for us to know of someone who was lost or has lost someone to gun violence. That can't be a truth that we accept as an option in life. The rending of tooth and claw is something to be acknowledged and accepted in nature - life and death are entwined with existence. It doesn't follow that violent death is a way of life in human society. To lose a child to death is a terrible thing and something that is hard to survive. Don't make it easier to happen.

within a feather

the beauty and focus of an eagle is raw it's dangerous and unpredictable it's wild and unpretentious wildness doesn't mean unruly there is an order to nature death, as does life, has a purpose is part of the chain in every ecosystem

there is a raw beauty in danger in the unpredictable nature of life wildness in society means chaos there is no order to be found in the cold metal of a gun death becomes violent violent death becomes a surety that becomes a link in the chain that binds us

there is a raw courage to be found within the gaze of a child there is an acceptance: we are adults, caregivers, nurturers we're supposed to give a fuck

we must be eagles caring for our young focused on existence mindful of the future the surety of life and death within the order of nature

©Trish Shields

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