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Rodent Maze

rodent maze

I was a novice to the Fates

they represented the unknown

I wondered, 'oh, what else awaits?'

a wink in time and then I’m shown —

time folds, erodes and then it fades

of heaven and earth we cannot know

Murphy Law rules every state

delights in serving every blow

I mourn to have an unjust Fate

to survive each and every blow

time folds, erodes and finally fades in a mere blink I should have known not to ask, 'what in life awaits?' damned to forever bend to rote

I'm half-way done - while life replays

I see mayhem’s unyielding scope

though half-way through the rodent maze

I'll not see 80 - I’ve learned to cope

and do not ask 'what else awaits?'

—time folds and fades while life erodes

©Trish Shields

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