Temptation of Life
I began frequenting a heronry in late February. The trees were mostly bare of leaves and the beginnings of nests could easily be seen....

Wending My Way wend me past tombstones of forests that wait snagging fisherman’s poles, their hooks and the like past marshes of...
Clear To The Few Who Heed The Call
To all the veterans and servicemen and women who have contributed to keeping Canada and the world safe from tyranny, thank you for your...
What in the World...
Coronavirus. Covid19. Covidonenine. I think Mother Nature has had enough of our ignorance, our disobedience, our entitled natures. ...

Rodent Maze
rodent maze I was a novice to the Fates they represented the unknown I wondered, 'oh, what else awaits?' a wink in time and then I’m...

The province of BC usually has approximately 1800 wildfires each year. This number has increased in the last two years. The annual...

The Orca That Came To Dinner
schrödinger your hand against the door there’s no talking: my shoes go sit over by the cat its tail twitching but the wharf awaits — the...

Suddenly Spring
Every year on Vancouver Island, with a few exceptions, Spring comes in with a bang. It isn't subtle, it doesn't even waltz right in and...

Rending of Tooth and Claw
March 15 marks the birth of my youngest child, lost to suicide at 17. It was an option on the table, an unspoken truth that I was unaware...
stop the world cos I wanna get off (political song-poetry)
stop the world cos i wanna get off There’s trouble a comin’ And a state of mind to mourn: Kids are killing their teachers And bringing...